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Saturday, March 19, 2016

Holy Week 2016

Holy Week 2016

This Sunday begins the most sacred week in the Christian Tradition - Holy Week.  During this week, we remember the last few days of Jesus' life and celebrate the central teachings of our faith.  

PALM SUNDAY - March 20, 2016 - 10am
Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday.  We celebrate and remember Jesus triumphal entrance into the city of Jerusalem.  Riding on a donkey, people placed palms before him as they would for a King.  Over the course of the week, however, these positive feelings about Jesus changed.  We will remember these changing feelings through a dramatic reading of the story throughout our entire worship service.  This is a very interactive service with Holy Communion.

MAUNDY THURSDAY - March 24th, 2016 - 7pm
We continue Holy Week with remembering Jesus last passover meal with his friends and disciples.  As they gathered for the meal, Jesus emphasized the message he was bringing by serving his friends and washing their feet.  In doing so, Jesus turns the established cultural rules on their heads, bringing the message that every person around the table is as important and loved as every other person.  As the continued and ate, Jesus left them with the promise of his grace and forgiveness through sharing bread and wine - the body and blood of Christ.  We remember both of these acts through a foot washing ritual during worship as well as celebrating Holy Communion.

GOOD FRIDAY - March 25th, 2016 - 7pm
Worship continues on Friday with the telling of Jesus trail and death.  We call this sad day "good" as it is the day in which we know that there is nothing so horrific or tragic in which God is not present.  It is this day that allows us to truly know the depth of God's love.  We worship this day with a Tenebrae service - a service of light and darkness - through the reading of the passion of Christ interspersed with singing and prayer.

EASTER VIGIL - March 26th, 2016 - 7pm
St. Ansgar will join our Episcopal neighbors in celebrating the Easter Vigil again this year.  This service begins with the fire of the Holy Spirit, continues with the telling of stories from the Christian faith, and culminates in the first Eucharist of Easter.  It is a very festive service that will engage the senses.  This service will take place at St. Luke's Cathedral on State Street.  Please join us!

EASTER SUNDAY - March 27th, 2016 - 10am
Holy Week concludes with celebrating the Feast of the Resurrection!  Join us in celebrating Christ's resurrection from death - the promise that God's love is stronger than the pain and suffering we experience.  There will be time for children to lead us in worship, choir singing, communion, and much celebration! 

Please also join us for the Easter Breakfast at 9am on Easter Sunday.  The breakfast costs $4 for an individual or $10 for a family.  All the money raised will go towards camperships for our youth to attend Camp Calumet this summer!

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