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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Lent 2016

Lent 2016

Lent is underway at St. Ansgar!  We are partnering with the area Lutheran Churches this year, as we have in the past, for our Lenten Soup Suppers and Worship.  Again, we will be using Holden Evening prayer to shape our worship.  This year our host is Trinity Lutheran Church in Westbrook. 

Wednesday Night Schedule:
6pm- Soup Supper
6:30pm - Pick-up Choir practice
7pm - Worship

We are also doing a Bible study on the book of James.  James is one of the few books in the New Testament that is neither a Gospel nor a letter from Paul. James is often categorized with a body of literature in the Bible called Wisdom Literature. (Think Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes, etc.) Our Bible Study will take us through four themes relating to Wisdom.
1. What is Wisdom?
2. Wisdom: Faith and Action
3. Wisdom: God's Sustaining Care for the World
4. Wisdom: Healthy Habits that Sustain Christian Hope.

The Bible Study will meet for four Sundays, Feb. 14-March 6th after coffee hour (beginning between 11:30 and 12pm) in our church Library.  Come once or come every time!  All are welcome.

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