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Thursday, August 4, 2011

An Appeal from Lutheran World Relief

St. Ansgar Members and Friends may donate to Lutheran World Relief online or in an offering any Sunday. Be sure to designate your gift to LWR with a note on your envelope or check. Below is a letter from the CEO of Lutheran World Relief about the crisis in East Africa.

Dear Friends,

The crisis in the Horn of Africa is worsening by the day. Lutheran World Relief needs your help. To respond to this crisis, and make a long-term impact on hunger in East Africa, LWR needs to raise $2 million by the end of this year.

Right now more than 11 million people are at risk of starvation. Lucia Muvili Ngotho is one of them. Holding out her hands, she shows a few meager beans. “This is the last of my food,” she reports.There’s been no decent rain in her area for years. Now she has to buy food for her family— at drastic price hikes — because she can no longer grow it. “We only have enough food for one meal a day,” she says. But the sad reality is Lucia’s family is a lot better off than many others in East Africa.  Many have nothing to eat and no way to grow or buy food. Will you reach out to them with a gift to the East Africa Drought fund?

With our partner, The Lutheran World Federation (LWF), we’re already working to reach thousands of vulnerable families in Kenya and Ethiopia with food, water, shelter items and other critically needed assistance. Your emergency gift will help LWR reach even further.

With your help we’ll work with communities to help families earn money to buy food, preserve and protect their farmlands and become less vulnerable to future droughts. Please support this work with a gift today. If Lucia’s family runs out of food they, too, will be left with nothing. Pray for them, and for all the people of East Africa. And please give generously so that LWR can stay with them for the long haul.

In Christ’s Mercy,
John A. Nunes
President and CEO

Your gifts to the East Africa Drought fund will be used to respond to this crisis until needs are met. Gifts received after that time will be applied where needs are greatest.

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