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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Holy Week is Coming!

Palm Sunday, Holy Week & Easter

Palm Sunday, March 29-10:00 am
Passion narrative and Eucharist. Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week.
We remember Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem and then his passion and crucifixion.
We use "The Cry of the Congregation" for a shared passion narrative.
Join Pr. Mia Dyson and the parish pastoral team for this solemn and prayerful service. 

Maundy Thursday, April 2- 7:00 pm Eucharist
 Jesus is making his journey to the cross. That journey includes time with the disciples in that
upper room meal where Jesus gives us a new commandment and greets us with his very life and blood.
Be present in the quiet as the altar is stripped and we follow Jesus' journey to Gethsemane.

Good Friday, April 3 - 7:00 pm Service
On the evening of this day we call "Good," be present as we journey with Jesus to the cross.
Come and discover a love that is unmeasured, a love that transforms our lives the very world
in which we live.

 Saturday morning Easter Egg Hunt, 10:00 am 

Holy Saturday, April 4 - 7:00 pm Joint Easter Vigil at Cathedral of St. Luke
Pastor William Barter, Preacher 
Although celebrated Holy Saturday evening, this ancient service is the dramatic Easter vigil liturgy that
marks the beginning of Easter. We are awaiting our master's return with our lamps full and burning,
so that he will find us awake and seat us at his table (cf. Luke 12:35ff).  
This year, Easter is on the first Sunday of the month, which means it is Project Feed Sunday.  
 Please bring non-perishable food items to place in the collection baskets in the church lobby.  < /span>
What better way to celebrate the Lord's rising than to remember those in need of food?    
 Easter Breakfast
Come and join us for a delicious breakfast on this most festive of days.
Breakfast starts at 8:30 am, and the proceeds go to fund camp scholarships for Calumet.
The cost is $4 per person, $10 for an entire family.

Easter Sunday 10:00 Eucharist