Monday, September 23, 2013

Come and join us for worship Sundays at 10:00 AM during the school year and  9:00 AM during the summer. Following the service is Coffee and Conversation. All are invited to enjoy the fellowship and tasty treats.

During the school year our Sunday School program for children under confirmation age is incorporated into worship time. On the first Sunday of the month, the liturgy is youth focused and families are encouraged to worship together. On other Sundays families start the worship together and children are called to the front for a blessing with their teachers. Then the Sunday School leaves worship for their lessons. Children and teachers come back at the Passing of the Peace. This way children receive the liturgical message in a way that is meaningful for them and parents can worship worry free. In addition, there is a cry room where parents can still view the service while their babies and toddlers get a play break.

For information about confirmation classes, please contact Pastor Bill.

Holiday Evening Services:
Ash Wednesday 7PM
Joint Lenten Services Wednesdays Throughout Lent (Call church for details.)
Maundy Thursday 7PM
Good Friday 7PM
Christmas Eve Family Service 7PM