St. Ansgar is now on our summer worship schedule. This Sunday and all Sundays during the summer months, worship will begin at 9:00 AM. Come out and worship in the cool of the morning, enjoy coffee and conversation, and head out for your summer Sunday plans in peace. Are you from out of town? We love visitors! Please join us.
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Sunday, June 30, 2013
Summer Worship Schedule
St. Ansgar is now on our summer worship schedule. This Sunday and all Sundays during the summer months, worship will begin at 9:00 AM. Come out and worship in the cool of the morning, enjoy coffee and conversation, and head out for your summer Sunday plans in peace. Are you from out of town? We love visitors! Please join us.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Seafarer's Friend
This Sunday, we welcomed Rev. Loring Carpenter, Executive Director of Seafarer's Friend, a Christian mission to those who serve on ships. In conjunction with this celebration, St. Ansgar made a donation to the ministry from the proceeds of a fundraiser to hang a new ship in our sanctuary back in 2012.
Rev. Carpenter's sermon begins with his wearing a hard-hat (thus, the laughs). It ends with a presentation of the check.
A wonderful sermon on caring. Enjoy! Here is the link to the sermon: Pr. Loring's Sermon
Here is the Seafarer's Friend web link: