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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Emmaus Lutheran in Falmouth to Host Lenten Suppers and Services

Every Lent, Greater Portland area Lutherans gather on Wednesdays for a soup supper and joint service. This year Emmaus Lutheran in Falmouth is hosting. Supper begins at 6PM. Evening prayer is at 7PM. All are welcome. St. Ansgar members are asked to provide dessert for the soup supper on March 20th.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ash Wednesday 2/13

St. Ansgar invites you to stop by for your ashes from 12-2PM. We are also holding a service of the Word and imposition of ashes at 7:00PM.

Bring a Friend, Make a Friend this Sunday, 2/17

This Sunday, 2/17, St. Ansgar is hosting a special luncheon honoring friendship. St. Ansgar members are encouraged to bring a friend. If you've never visited St. Ansgar, this Sunday is surely a lovely time to check us out.Bring a friend or make a friend this Sunday at St. Ansgar!