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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Interfaith Conference Sat, 2/4 6PM

This Saturday, Feb 4th, our friend, the Rev. Mia Dyson, and her Portland Discernment Group are hosting an interfaith conference at St. Ansgar. Area clergy and lay leaders of churches, synagogues, and mosques will be in attendance. The topic is "The Future of Religious Communities - Will They Be Here For Us?"

The conference will begin with a light supper at 6PM. Then there will be a round table discussion dealing with the challenges faced and signs of hope emerging within area religious communities.  The focus will be on ways to find and promote spiritual growth and renewal. Please join us for this evening of interfaith dialogue and fellowship. 

Registration is not mandatory, but a quick email to will help organizers prepare.

Congratulations to Redeemer Lutheran in Bangor!


We are no longer the only ELCA Reconciling in Christ (RIC) congregation in Maine. Redeemer Lutheran Church in Bangor has joined us. As RIC churches we have endorsed a statement of welcome to gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender persons into the full life and ministry of our congregations. Pastor Bill Barter and a delegation of St. Ansgar members traveled to Bangor this past Sunday to help celebrate. Congratulations to Redeemer on taking this faithful and affirming step!