The Sewing Group recently shipped 25 layettes to Lutheran World Relief. Each layette contained enough clothing to give a newborn’s family and the newborn a great start. (Pictured above is a layette being given to an Afghani mother.)
We thank Thrivent for the financial support. The next project is school kits. A goal of 20 has been set. The spring project will be Health Kits.
You are invited to help. Come to an upcoming meeting or contact the church for more details. To find out how The Sewing Group's efforts combine with those of other Lutheran churches around the world, view this video from Lutheran World Relief, Ordinary to Extraordinary.

The dictionary defines "evangelism" as “zealous preaching and dissemination of the Gospel, as through missionary work.” The official name of our church is St. Ansgar Evangelical Lutheran Church, and we are part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). As a church that preaches the Gospel, it is fitting to have the word "Evangelical" in our name.
Unfortunately, the word "Evangelical" has taken on a very narrow meaning in recent times. Evangelicals are often viewed as self-proclaimed Christians who preach a message of fundamentalism, nationalism, and narrow-mindedness towards others. What sometimes passes as evangelical faith would hardly be recognizable to Jesus, whose Gospel (good news) was about redemption, healing, and inclusion.
Recently, the Church Council at St. Ansgar voted to update our church sign and make more room for movable text. We shortened the name on our sign to St. Ansgar Lutheran Church, and removed the term "Evangelical," in part to save much needed space to publish dynamic messages, and in part because the term "evangelical" has gained such a negative connotation in today's society. People have actually commented on feeling automatically excluded when they see the term "Evangelical" on our sign! We have made a similar change on the header of our blog.
Despite its potentially negative connotations and its misuse by fundamentalists, the term "Evangelical" is a fitting name for a church that is Gospel-based. It continues to be part of our official name at St. Ansgar. As we develop new and better ways to evangelize in our modern times, the Gospel remains at the forefront, a beacon of hope, justice, and God's love. We are a people of the Good News!
Pastor Bill Barter