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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Confirmation retreat photos

Here are some pics from our confirmation retreat at Calumet. Ryan Clancy from St. Ansgar was one of the Calumet counselors for the weekend. The boys shared a cabin with Grace West Springfield, and Mara bunked with Salem Naugatuck. Even though it looks like we horsed around a bit (and we did), we had great discussions about Luther, the Reformation, and what it means to be Lutheran. Pastor had a good time too, and he is now resting comfortably at an undisclosed location.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Raise the Rafters Concert Sat. 4/10 at 7PM

St. Ansgar is proud to host a joint concert of !Zing and Rock My Soul. This concert is part of a final push to fund the renovation of our beloved organ. When we decided to raise money for the organ, we decided as a congregation that we should give 10% of what we raise to charity (tithe). Well, the actual cost of the organ work is funded, and now we are working on the tithe. So come on out and enjoy some wonderful jazz and gospel music.

Your night out will fund three wonderful causes. One third of the tithe will go to African Relief Ministries, a nonprofit sponsored by the Sundanese congregation that worships in our building. African Relief Ministries is a micro lending organization that loans small amounts of money to entrepreneurs in Sudan. Another third will go to help rebuild the childhood church of an Ethiopian member of our congregation. Bethel Lube Presbyterian Church in Ethiopia reached out to St. Ansgar when termites made their building unlivable. The final third will go to Community Uplift Projects (CUP) International, a charity that runs an orphanage in Hosur, India. The father of our music director is the founder of CUP International.

Tickets are $12 in advance and $15 at the door. Call 774-8740 ext. 7 or email

Friday, April 2, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt 10 AM Tomorrow

The Annual St. Ansgar Easter Egg Hunt will be held at the church this Saturday 4/3 at 10 a.m. Bring the kids, grandkids, kids friends, your relatives, and yourself.....we'll be dyeing eggs, decorating cookies, and of course....hunting for eggs outside on what promises to be a BEAUTIFUL day... Hope you will come!